See some common questions and answers below, or call us at (866) 282-4968
ATA has many services and routes designed to meet the transportation needs of any individual living in the counties of Cameron, Elk, Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean, and Potter. Clarion, PA is also served by two fixed-route services. All of ATA’s vehicles are wheelchair accessible.
Fixed Route with no Deviation: A bus on a fixed time and stop schedule that does not require a ride reservation. The fare on this service is a set rate and is the same for everyone. Discounts do not apply. The fares are listed on the ATA Fixed Route schedules.
Fixed Route with Deviation: A bus on a fixed schedule that can travel off route up to ¼ mile to accommodate passengers. Ride reservations are required on this route if deviating from the fixed route schedule. Pick up points along the route other than scheduled stops (deviation) have the regular fare plus a convenience fare of $1.00. If you are eligible for a discount they will apply on this service with required prior day reservation.
Call- A- Bus Service (CAB): A bus will pick you up at your home and take you to your destination. You must call in to Ride Reservation to schedule a ride. The fare on this route will vary. The minimum full fare starts at $3.50 and increases $1.00 per zone. If you are eligible for a discount they will apply on this service with required prior day reservation. Youth 5 and under ride for free. Ages 6 to 12 receive a 50% reduced rate.
County Wide Service (CWS): A bus that will pick you up at your home and will take you to another destination within the county. The fare on this route will vary from town to town. If you are eligible for a discount they will apply on this service with required prior day reservation. ATA has this service in Jefferson, Clearfield, Elk and McKean Counties. Youth 5 and under ride for free. Ages 6 to 12 receive a 50% reduced rate.
Please inform ATA in advance of the scheduled trip by calling into ATA Ride Reservation at 1-866-743-3282.
ATA will accommodate any mobility device as long as the combined weight is within the actual dimensions and design load of the vehicle.
If you have additional questions or concerns regarding your mobility status and riding ATA please contact ATA Customer Service for additional support at
If you require assistance to safely board or exit the vehicle an escort or a personal care attendant may qualify to ride with you for free. The escort must be at the pickup location of the passenger scheduling the trip. If you want
someone just to come along with you as a companion, they must pay the fare for the trip. ATA does not provide escorts or personal care attendants.
A driver can assist passengers door to door but unable to enter the home. The driver will help the passenger to the door of the drop off location as well but not able to go in.
There is a fare box on each bus that a rider can deposit their fare into. Please note that the driver does NOT make change so therefore riders will need exact change when boarding the vehicle. You can contact ATA if you have questions regarding the fares for your rides.
Prepaid Balance Account:
A rider will no longer have to pay by cash when boarding the vehicle for their trips. ATA’s prepaid balance accounts are available for the Call-A-Bus and County Wide Service. A rider will have the option to put money on their account by sending in cash, check and/or money order to ATA. You may also put money onto your account by using a credit card. The minimum amount if purchasing with a credit card is $40.00.
Ride Club Card:
Ride Club Cards are available for purchase for specific fixed routes. They cost $40.00 per month and provide unlimited rides per calendar month.
Routes Covered by Ride Club Cards:
Clarion CAT Bus
Mall Loop
Shadow Route
Ridgway St. Mary’s Express